Online course – study at your own pace, at any time, from anywhere

Introduction to the course and what’s covered.

A 5 part online course guiding you to heal on all levels – mind, body and spirit. Experience simple, yet powerful exercises, to support deep healing, transformation and expansion of your consciousness.

You will be guided through the whole process with clear and easy to follow steps, so that you can relax as you receive healing.

Includes 5 videos with 5 guided healing journeys.

Enrol in this course

Cost: €25

Overview of what’s covered in each part of the course

Part 1: Relaxation and love – a gentle healing journey.

Give yourself the gift of 15 minutes of relaxation as you take this guided healing journey to bathe your whole being with love and appreciation. Love is the most powerful healing frequency of all – it dissolves hurt and pain on all levels.

Part 2: Cleanse and refresh your aura.

A 5 minute guided journey which will leave you feeling sparkling, energised and prepared for the day ahead.

Cleanse your aura on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, and light up all your cells and systems with love, joy and well-being.

Part 3: Cleanse and energise your chakras.

A powerful healing exercise which supports healing, transformation and expansion of your consciousness.

In this guided journey, you will work with your full 12 chakra system, flushing each chakra with cleansing light and reclaiming your energy and vitality. You will also align with the highest frequencies and ways of living your life, which brings deep transformation and expansion.

Part 4: Healing light.

There is a constant source of divine healing light and love available to us which you can call on at any time to assist you.

This is a guided journey to connect with divine healing light and direct it to flow throughout your body.

Bonus video: Cutting cords – reclaim your power, vitality and freedom.

Learn how to cut cords and reclaim your life-force energy.

Cords create energy leaks and stress. In this guided journey you will cut cords, stop energy leaks, let go of burdens, and set yourself and others free.

Includes 5 videos with 5 guided healing journeys.

Cost: €25