“I’m passionate about helping to create a wonderful world, where we can all live happy, healthy and fulfilled lives, while caring for each other, all life forms, and our beautiful planet Earth.”

I’m a healer, teacher and author. 

My greatest desire is to help you to heal on all levels, step forward into your full potential, and create the life of your dreams – filled with lightness and joy, love, peace, abundance and fulfilment.

It gives me great joy to connect people to the wisest aspect of who they are – their divine essence, and see them shine as they step fully onto their life path and into their power.

I have studied with many expert teachers and healers. My own journey of healing and growth has brought me many gifts, a deeper connection with my spiritual essence, and a desire to help others to heal and connect with their own guiding wisdom. It is an honour to share my life’s work with you.

I have been blessed with opportunities to hold inspirational workshops and training programmes around the globe, empowering students with skills and tools to support their health and well-being . I have also set up many online courses to support people to heal on all levels and achieve their goals.

I’m passionate about nature, animals, sailing, swimming in the ocean, and walking in the peace and beauty of wild mountains and forests. For many years my focus has been on creating a beautiful and tranquil place that I call home, the place where my soul resides, with all its hopes and dreams, thoughts and emotions.

This is an on-going process of healing and clearing out old thoughts, emotions and patterns of behaviour, to make room for the best part of myself to emerge and be seen.

Sound nourishes my soul and has been my healer and teacher. I love to tone and create healing sounds, particularly while out in nature and by the ocean, where I am most inspired, and feel closer to my soul than anywhere else.

Having time to rest and ‘breathe’, dance, laugh, have fun with friends and the special animals in my life is important to me.

I’m excited by my work, knowing that everything is interconnected, and as each of us individually heals our lives and experiences more joy, love, peace and fulfilment, this has a ripple effect – touching everyone and everything around us.

More information about working with me

If you would like information or advice on any aspect of my work, please get in touch. I will be delighted to hear from you.

Contact Mildred

I’m looking forward to getting to know you and supporting you on your journey

Wishing you many blessings, vibrant health and happiness



  • Diploma in Sound Therapy
    Colour of Sound Institute
  • Healing Sounds
    Jonathan Goldman, Sound Healers Association
  • Colour Therapy
  • Colour Therapy and Vibrational Healing
  • Sacred Dance
  • Dancing the Rainbow
  • Stress Management
  • Counselling Skills Foundation
    National University of Ireland, Maynooth
  • Aromatherapy
    Shirley Price Aromatherapy
  • Angels and Ascension
    Master Teacher – Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Golden Atlantis and towards 2032
    Master Teacher – Diana Cooper School of White Light
  • Transform your Life
    Master Teacher – Diana Cooper School of White Light