Online courses

to support you to heal on all levels and fill your life with love, joy and vitality.

Study at your own pace, at any time, from anywhere.

Online Wellbeing Courses
to support you to heal on all levels,
and fill your life with love, joy and vitality.

Courses available:

  • Steps to inner peace and happiness
  • Healing on all levels – mind, body and spirit
  • Boost your self worth and confidence
  • Wisdom, guidance and inspiration
  • Boost your immune system
  • Moving beyond the Corona Virus – path to peace and happiness

Special Offer – all 6 courses

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Online courses
to support you to accelerate your
healing, growth and transformation

Experience the transformative power of sound to heal and light up all your cells and systems, so that you become a shining light, ready to create the life of your dreams, filled with love, peace and happiness.

Courses available:

  • Become a Shining Light
  • Advanced Sound Healing Techniques
  • Training for Group Facilitators and Therapists
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Temple of Healing Light

New course starting June 2024

Take part in a sacred process to create your own Temple of Healing Light.

  • Align with the divine perfect blueprint for your health and your life.
  • Receive healing for any part of your physical body, your emotions and thought forms, past life or karmic issues.
  • Access the deepest love, light, joy and wisdom within your being.
  • Receive insights and guidance on your soul purpose and plan for this lifetime.
  • Expand your consciousness and evolve into who you truly are.
Read about this course