Message from Mildred

As Christmas is approaching, it’s important to acknowledge that this is a very busy time. It can be a wonderful time, but it also brings extra stresses and extra things to do.

So I have recorded 6 short videos, with tips, exercises and meditations, to help you reduce the stress of preparing for Christmas, and to enhance your enjoyment of the festive season.

I have also added in an extra video, to acknowledge that sometimes Christmas can be a sad time, and to give you some extra tips about coping and easing the pressure on yourself.

I hope you find the videos helpful – they are my gift to you at this special time.

May they bring you peace and relaxation and an enhanced sense of well-being – Enjoy.


This is an extra video, to acknowledge that sometimes Christmas can be a sad time, and to look at how to cope.

It’s about taking care of yourself, acknowledging that Christmas may be difficult for you, and looking for some brightness and peace and kindness for yourself during the day. Hoping this video helps.

Other Courses and book from Mildred

I’m delighted to introduce you to my new book – Golden Steps to Inner Peace and Happiness.

Learn how to heal your life, find love and happiness, and reach enlightenment in this lifetime.

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6 short online courses – study at your own pace, at anytime, from anywhere.

Topics include: finding inner peace and happiness, healing on all levels, boost your self-worth and confidence..

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Special offer – Become A Shining Light online sound healing course.

Explore the potential of sound to light up your life and restore balance and harmony to mind, body and spirit.

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