Rest and relaxation – to refresh your mind, body and spirit

Give yourself the gift of switching off for 15 minutes to recharge yourself on all levels.

When you are feeling relaxed and at peace, you will find it easier to cope and accomplish all you have to do. Includes a 15 minute guided relaxation.

(17 minutes)

Still your mind through meditation

Learn how to clear your mind so that you can enter into a calm and peaceful state.

Stilling your mind through meditation will also clear stress or tension caused by an overactive mind, overthinking, or worrying.

(20.30 minutes)

Mother Nature’s healing gifts

Explore the healing gifts of Mother Nature to enhance your sense of well-being.

Includes a 10 minute healing journey of rest and relaxation, as you watch beautiful images, and absorb the healing gifts of Mother Nature’s colours and sounds.

(17 minutes)

Living joyfully

You are born to experience joy and to share happiness with others. You deserve the life of your dreams.

Explore the many ways that you can create more opportunities for happiness, and for wonderful people, things and events to come into your life.

(9.30 minutes)

Peace and tranquillity

A 10 minute soothing sound bath to wash away stress, worries and concerns, so that you can relax and be refreshed and renewed.

Listen to the beautiful sounds of Crystal and Tibetan singing bowls, the gentle sounds of flowing water, chimes and a gong, while watching beautiful images from Mother Nature.

(12.30 minutes)